Wednesday, February 27, 2008

MAD week!

This week is madness!!

GOSH! I never thought I'm going thru madness again...not so soon. Since Monday, life has been so miserable. Datelines, meetings, workloads all come at once. What my horoscope has written was true so far. So, here it begins a whole new cycle of my distorted life.

2 Sentosa Coves projects to oversee, 1 Jalan Adat, 1 Bridport, 4 Fort Canning, 1 Pulau Ubin, 1 Ulu Pandan...and the list just goes on and on and on and on and on....And I only got like about 2 weeks to clear them???

URA meeting this Thursday, and that will take half of my day. A trip back to client's office for briefing, and that another half day gone. So left with Friday. And that will be the only day for me to reschedule all coming appointments for the coming week....AAArRRGGGggHHHH...

Entering studio again mid-march and not sure if I will still survive? The month of March appointments are almost full. Ok Zue, it's all abt time management....stop complaining and focus to deliver will ya. SIGH!

hmmm...someone text me "Good evening, Where hv u been?" - Yoohooo...still here. Only glued to my desk. :P

So less time to Facebook, less time to do online chatting and the most @#$$%^ is to have lesser time to sleep. There goes my beauty sleep for the couple of weeks to come. :(

I don't feel well, already.