Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Stress level up...up...and away!

Workload - UP!
Blood pressure - UP!
Stress level - UP!

Minggu nie sungguh challenging skali. Kerja aku makin bertambah sampai tak terkata. Stress seyyy..

Was really hoping that everything will tone down by April. But sangkaan ku begitu meleset. Starting this week project kembali bertambah. Appointment aku pon bertambah. Dah 2 minggu tak sempat nak reschedule appointments. Ape nak buat, ek? Memang begini ler selalu.

But on a positive note, it will be a good sign for this industry. The government has projected that the construction industry will expand until the end of this year, while a few sectors will be shrinking slightly or stay stagnant.

But yet, badan ku makin letih. Jerawat pon dah start popping out akibat kureng tidor. Planning ku dlm sebulan nie hancur boncai derrr..

Semoga aku selamat mengharungi dugaan hidup...Amin.

ps : Nanti kalo aku free, aku sambung blog lagi. Skrg tak bole ler...tgh sibuzz tersangat!