Saturday, April 26, 2008

True facts about Virgo :-)

Excerpts from someone who actually did an assessment about male Virgos....

In which I say nice things about Virgo boys

It has been pointed out to me that with my fondness for Scorpios and Taureans, I have neglected a few of the other signs of the zodiac. True, but I did also issue the caveat that I love Scorpio and Taurus for the purposes of fiction.

For the purpose of actual cohabitation, you really can't do better than a Virgo. (And if you can find a Virgo with Scorpio rising, like I did, you get the best of both worlds.) Forget what you may have heard about Virgo: cold, critical, dispassionate. For an unevolved, unloved Virgo those things may be true. But just like Scorpio, who can be extremely offputting on the page, Virgo has gotten a bad rap and deserves a closer look.

To begin with, Virgo is SOLID. They are earth signs, dependable as the day is long. (But because they are Mercury-ruled, they can also be chatty, a necessity for a Gemini girl like me.) They are detail-oriented. Nothing is too complicated for them to grasp or to complete. When they undertake a task, they do it, and they do it well. Virgo is thorough, in all the best ways. Virgo can be focused and passionate, particularly when they feel confident and loved.

Because of their slight tendency to hypochondria, it is seldom difficult to get them to see the doctor. They will schedule their own appointments and get to them on time because Virgo is punctual. He will not keep you waiting while he checks himself in the mirror one last time. (Ever tried to share a bathroom with a Leo?) They are boyishly good-looking, often far beyond the age at which their looks should have started to fade.

They are gentlemanly and sweet and the last word in chivalry without being overbearing. (A Virgo will open doors and carry suitcases, but will never attempt to order for you in a restaurant.) Unless they have extremely volatile rising signs, Virgos usually don't suffer from an excess of bad temper, and even if they carry some Aries or Scorpio, an angry Virgo is rarely something to fear. They can be very protective of the underdog, and fiercely loyal.

They like to clean. Because of their fondness for order and tidiness, they can be delightfully neat to live with. They seldom lose keys or wallets because they usually put things where they belong, and they are the first to pull out the vacuum cleaner. (Never underestimate the importance of living with a person who actually picks up after himself.)

They like to hang out with their women. Unlike an Aries or a Sagittarius who will happily abandon you for a pick-up basketball game or a cheap fare to Tahiti, Virgo will be perfectly happy to take you shopping or hang out at home and cook a good meal. (If his rising sign is Taurus, you may never get him to leave.)