Time @ 3.30pm"Kring! Kring!"
Me : Yes, good afternoon...
Client : Hi, zue? Dave here. Today's appointment cancelled. Got something urgent to rush."
Me : Oh, that's ok. Maybe some other time then?
Client : Let's hold till Monday. Let me get the prints ready for you first. It's easier to discuss then.
Me : Sure, Dave. Don't rush. Get all the info ready and text me, k.
Client : Ok, boss. Catch up with you soon.
Me : Have a good day, Dave.
Client : You too, zue. Bye.
Hangs up.
I'm all free out of sudden. So, what shall I do now? Catch a movie? hmm...'Transformer' would b good? Nahhh...I'll save for next time. *thinking*
Ahh, go Orchard lah. Long time never go there, since my last IMF duty. So, there I went....

Wheeee....driving thru Orchard Road.
To Taka I went. Parked at Basement 3 and went to Best Denki Level 6..or 5..err..can't remember lerr. Looking at some LCD TV. Hmm...maybe time to gt a new one and put inside my toilet..HAHA.!

Looking at some shoes...men's wear, sports section..and oh! need to get some socks. Stokin ku dah koyak...

Got these for a good bargain. 3 pcs white tees + 3 pcs socks + s/s shirt = $50 (mahal tak?). I don't go shopping often lerr. I shop only for things I really need.

It's abt 4.15pm. Rushed out from Taka. Orchard Road was busy. Took a stroll down to Centrepoint. Beginning to miss this place I once knew. It's like a walk down to memory lane..huhu!

Now at the traffic jucntion waiting for the 'Green Man'. Me people watching again..Here's the
Apek Ice-Cream man with their famous 'Ice-Cream sandwich' which only cost $1.

Walked past Crown Prince Hotel and saw Swensen. Hey, I did this Swensens, you know. So, next time when you see this restaurant, you already know who did it, ok. hmm...still looks good after so many years, eh.

Here I was at Centrepoint but didn't really recce the mall. Was packed with souls...So, decided to make a U-turn. Stopped for a while to feed my ears with music by the blind busker. Oitt! He played good music with his guitar, alrite. So, stayed there for a while listening...He maybe blind, but his talent isn't blind at all...You rock, brader!

While walking back towards Taka to pick up my car, amd saw this building! Ahhh...A place where once I frequent to. A place where I acquired my first computer knowledge many years ago..A place where I met many friends...A place that still stands and will always be close to my heart. The good ol' Orchard Building.

It was 5.30pm, zoomed out from Taka Basement. I tot i could beat the congestion, but was a minute too late. So, where should I go to avoid the evening peak hour ah?? Detour to Bugis then...to have my Teh Tarik! Ahahaha!!!!
So, that's my hard day @ work. Gosh...I'm so tired by now. Need to get some rest tonite, because tomorrow..... IT'S Viva La Vivo ...yeeehoo!!!
Get the clue??