I read ur emails, blog comments, text messages, MSNs, skypes asking me how am I doing..why I've been so quite nowadays. Actually, I'm very much alive now, except for the last few weeks, thou. It's nice to hear from you guys again, I really do miss you guys a lot! Muaacks!
Ida's email: Zu, U just silent............no words..............why?
Syasya's email: hai wak...i pun windu dgn u jgk....actually i dah masuk campus around 2week coz jd fasi 4 intake bru...lotih tuk nk ajar ank org rupanye,..u mest bz wit ur projectkan...windu gle kat u la...uwa teman bicaara dah bz aja...end of this yr i kene practical training la...takutnye
n way take care ek...
To Kay pat KL : I was at skype but you were not there. Mana you pegi? I dah sihat and kaki you dah ok tak?? Left some messages for you...check out your skype, k. :)
To greg : Thanks for your sms...we go lunch next week, ok.
To nana : Hi, I'm good here! Sorry ler, tak sempat balas your emails. Sibukzz ler tuu hari.
To Elisha & Ivelina : Thks for ur emails. I've replied ok, rite? How's Greece?
... and to all my international blog friends, thks for the private messages. I know I've not been blogging often enuff. Too many blogsites to update..LOL! But, I've been reading your blogs, alrite.
Haiz, sometimes I have to re-think about my time mangement. It's getting too cramp out here.
I've just ended my chatting session with Nisha earlier. Ooo wow! She's on vacation eh? What?..Now at Conrad Hotel?..Having a splendid view?..Now she's telling me she wanted a honeymoon??...LOL!!!
She must be enjoying life out there!! (Jerlus nyer aku weiiii!!)
Oh..she told me to tell the world bout her. Can...why not?
Heeheheee...told Nisha bout dinner cruise I went on Friday. She very the jerlus seyy. Pestering me to bring her along next time. Hmm...well, only if there's another invitation for me, maybe can lorr.

This is Nisha...cute tak, cute tak?
(I'm sorry, Nisha - I grabbed your photo from ur msn. I'm sure u gonna kill me this time! wahahaha)
She wanted me to give a little testi about herself. hmm...ok will do.
Quote from our MSN chat :-
nisha : write bout me la
me : oh..hmm..ok..
nisha : tell the whole world tt i'm cute
me : hmm..oh..ok..you very cute! lagik?
nisha : n i wanna go to dinner cruise! =D
me : ahahahaa....tu nanti
nisha : n jalan ampas!
me : ahahaha....to pon nanti
nisha : n.........
me : and aper ?
nisha : i like teh sarbat at kedai bhai at bussorah street!
me : oh well ok..that's fine
nisha : n wat else....
nisha : n i wanna be a consultant!
nisha : juz like u!~
Ahhahah....cute ryte?!.
Honestly, she's a very nice gal to chat with. She's an IT student from Republic Polytechnic and graduating soon. Got her driving licence at age 19 (she just turned 20) Wow, i really envy that! (But I got fetish on ladybikers! I dunno why??) Got to know her from her blog.
Yep, I was blog hopping one day, and came across her blog. Scrutinized her blog posts and they are pretty interesting. The way she expressed herself in words abt her daily life encounters. Very creatively articulated. ehmm...and very nakal olso. Like to tease me, ek. And thanks for asking all 'those' questions...hehehe. I will try very hard not to expose the answers at this moment.
(Ahh...maybe I'll blog abt the FAQs about me. So the next time, I'll just refer them to that site.)
Really nice knowing you, Nisha. So, study well and finish up your FYP (whatever that means)
Cukup tak? Nak I elaborate you lagi...hehehe. Please stop teasing me before i nangis *winks*
Infact, ppl I met on the net are truely nice. Maybe, its becos I'm nice to them or...they are simply good nice ppl. Who says there aren't nice ppl out there. I read on papers, I watched the media, condeming the internet chatters, too many negative accounts given, bringing this interactive tool into a negative level.
But it all boils down to each individual (you, net chatters). Your etiquette while chatting. Remember where are your boundaries, be sensitive and don't give any of your personal info to strangers (esp you girls out there)
Undesirable incidents have happened and are happening. But who are we really to blame? The vcitims or the prepetrators? I say, BOTH are at equal fault!
It's truely pity when we only see one side of the story. How about the alternatives? Are we being too judgemental that we overlook the whole scenario?
Oh..ok. I stop it here and let you guys ponder. There's always another side to a story...and maybe you can tell me your views. Let's start a healthy argument here.
I'll see if I can get some updates done tomorrow about my dinner cruise. Maybe can post some pix lah. Its late and I need my sleep. (Yawwnzzz)Goodnites to my peeps and to you nice ppl reading this!
ps: Received your goodnite text, Nisha. Told you, tu bukan bangla nyer nombor kan. Selamat Malam, Nisha. :)