Spidey : ok...lepas buka kita dangdut................yahooo............
SpongeBob : Kao nak tukar duit ek? Aku nak tukar rupiah ler…kalo aku bawak $300 cukup tak?
Spidey : ko nak buka ngan kiter ker atau ngan semua penduduk Batam?
SpongeBob : Ohh…terlebih ek??...heh! Maklom ler…dah lama tak gie batam..
Spidey : i think $50 is more than enuf. That is abt RP300,000 ( ni harga kita 5 org makan-restaurant)
SpongeBob : Ok duit ferry brapa? Kao nak tukar duit tak?
Spidey : $ ferry (two way) $34/- tax included. If you can get S$100 equal or more than Rp 6000 than chnage for me $50. Try to change above 100 so u can get more. anything lower they give you less.
To be continued...